Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the decision-making body of the DIM « thérapie génique ». The steering committee endorses the funding proposals issued by the Scientific Committee, as well as the annual program of activities.
Composition: The Steering Committee is composed of a representative of Inserm, Paris Descartes University, Paris Diderot University and AP-HP. The MEDICEN competitiveness cluster also participates to this committee and represents the Paris Region industrial actors. The Paris Region, as financier, and the Imagine Institute, as managing organization, are also represented in the Steering Committee.
Scientific committee
The Scientific Committee proposes the thematic priorities and equipment needs in order to distribute the annual funding. The Scientific Committee also proposes strategies for pooling efforts and priority activities for the network of DIM « thérapie génique ».
Composition: The Scientific Committee is composed of all the heads of the thematic subcommittees (or axis holders), and the scientific coordinator. The Paris Region, as financier, and the Imagine Institute, as managing organization, are also represented in the Scientific Committee.
Thematic subcommittees
The Thematic subcommittees are responsible for developing gene therapy projects, bringing together health care actors (doctors, clinicians), researchers and industrials.
One thematic subcommittee is designated for each DIM strategic axis.
For more information on the DIM strategic axes, see “Research axes“.
Composition: Each subcommittee is coordinated by 1 or 2 axis holders.
Any research team and/or private actor active in the field of gene therapy or bringing complementary and/or necessary expertise to the development of a gene therapy research project may participate in the subcommittees.